Natura 2020 Society
Article 1
To satisfy the needs, interests, will and development of the members of the association, the Tourist Association Natura 2020 is being established with its headquarters in Ruše.
Article 2
The purpose of the association is to bring together natural persons who are engaged in tourism and supporting activities as an amateur or professionally.
Article 3
The name of the association is Turisticno društvo Natura 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the association).
The abbreviated name is: Natura 2020 Association.
Article 4
The association is a voluntary, non-profit and independent association of members who are fans of the sustainable development of tourism, nature, forests, farming, the environment, space and rural development, as well as professionals who promote the development of tourism, the environment, people and nature.
The association operates in the area of Ruše Municipality and also in the wider area.
The association can join with other associations in a union or other industry associations.
The association cooperates with local and municipal organizations and other related organizations in the Republic of Slovenia and around the world.
Article 5
The association is a legal entity under private law. The association operates without a stamp. The association uses the registered name in legal transactions. The association does not have a special sign.
Article 6
The operation of the association is based on the principles of publicity.
Publicity of the association’s work is ensured in the following ways: by publishing invitations and minutes on the bulletin board in the association’s premises, by giving members the right to inspect the minutes of the association’s bodies, and by publishing the association’s internal newsletter.
The association informs the general public in the following ways: the meetings of the association’s bodies are public, it invites representatives of the public to its meetings, organizes press conferences, publishes bulletins about social events and informs about its events in the media.
The president of the executive board of the association is responsible for ensuring the publicity of the work and providing accurate information about the work of the association.
Article 7
The goal of the association is the promotion and development of tourism. The goal of the association is to become an association in the public interest.
The goal is to contribute and create your own internationally comparable contribution directly on the ground.
Contributing to the development of tourism means in particular: raising awareness of the population about the meaning of tourism, raising awareness and educating young people about tourism, ensuring a positive public attitude towards tourists and tourism, ensuring the preservation of natural and cultural heritage and arranging a tourist-friendly environment, in accordance with the conservation goals and regimes of protected areas or protected area, the implementation of promotional and informative activities in the field of tourism, or the implementation of other activities that contribute to the promotion of tourism development.
Article 8
Development and promotion of tourism.
OTHER NON-PROFIT ACTIVITIES ARE: preparation and organization of trips, trips, meetings for members of the association, preparation and implementation of sports, cultural and entertainment activities, sports and other leisure activities, lectures, seminars, conferences, festivals and the design and implementation of tourist campaigns. As well as education, training and training in the field of tourism, which is formally organized and takes place in various forms (summer school, camp, courses, team building, escape room, forest escapes, pirate realistic rafting), namely mainly for free time and personality development. This type of education does not lead to the acquisition of the title of professional/professional education and professional/scientific titles.
Article 9
G 47.910 Retail trade by mail order or on the Internet. This includes: retailing of any goods by mail order, via the Internet, advertisements, catalogs, samples or by similar means of sale. The buyer submits his order by mail, internet or phone. The ordered goods can be delivered to the customer physically or downloaded from the Internet. This also includes: – sales via television, telephone or internet – auctions via the internet
N 79.110 Activity of travel agencies. This includes: – the activity of agencies that deal primarily with the sale of travel, travel arrangements, transportation and accommodation, both to individuals and business customers for resale.
N 79.120 Activity of tour operators. This includes the activity of organizing and putting together travel arrangements, which the organizers sell themselves or through a travel agency. The trip may include e.g. transport, accommodation, food and visits to museums, historical and cultural places, theater, music and sports events, etc.
N 79,900 Reservations and other travel-related activities. This includes:
– reservations for transportation, accommodation, food, vehicle rental, sports, entertainment, etc. an event
-services related to scheduling accommodation in timeshare (time sharing)
– ticket sales for cultural, sports and entertainment events
– Help for tourists and visitors:
- providing tourist information
- activity of tourist guides
– tourist promotion
N 82,300 Organization of exhibitions, fairs, meetings
This includes: organizing, promoting and/or managing events, such as business forums or business congresses, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, scientific and business meetings, conferences, etc. congress tourism, also by providing staff for the implementation and furnishing of exhibition and event spaces.
R 93.190 Other sports activities
This includes:
-organization and promotion of sports events, with or without sports facilities
-activities related to the promotion of sports events
-activities of mountain guides
Article 10
Anyone who accepts the statute, acts according to it and expresses a desire to become a member of the association can become a member of the association. If a minor joins the association up to the age of 7, his legal representative must sign the membership declaration, and from the age of 7 to the age of 15, the legal representative must give written consent before his entry into the association.
Article 11
Anyone who wishes to become a member of the association must submit a declaration of accession to the executive committee, in which he expresses his desire to become a member of the association. At the same time, he undertakes to act in accordance with the association’s rules and to pay the membership fee.
Members demonstrate their association with a social card. Members are registered in the register of membership.
Membership in the association is voluntary. The association has regular, supporting and honorary members.
Article 12
A regular member is any member who has paid the membership fee.
An honorary member of the association can become a person of impeccable moral qualities who, through his activities, had special merits in the realization of the association’s programs, the realization of social tasks and the promotion of the association.
The general assembly of the association decides on the awarding of honorary membership at the proposal of the executive committee.
Honorary members can be regular members of the association or non-members of the association. An honorary member who is not a member of the association does not have the right to decide on the work of the association.
Article 13
The rights of association members are:
- to vote and be elected to the association’s bodies,
- to participate in the work of the association’s bodies,
- to realize their personal interests in the field of the association’s activities,
- to give initiatives and proposals for the progress of the association,
- that they are familiar with the program and operations of the association and its financial and material operations,
- to enjoy the benefits that the association provides to its members as part of its activities,
- that they can use property, premises, equipment and facilities in accordance with the program determined by the association’s authorities.
Duties of members of the association are:
- to vote and be elected to the association’s bodies,
- to respect the statutes, corporate acts and decisions of the association’s bodies,
- to participate in the work of the association’s bodies,
- that they strive to contribute with their work to the realization of the goals and tasks of the association,
- that they regularly pay the membership fee in the amount determined by the association’s executive body,
- to protect the company’s reputation,
- to transfer their experience and knowledge to younger and less experienced members of the association,
- to take care of the regular maintenance of facilities, props and equipment that the association has at its disposal.
The rights and duties of members of bodies are honorary. As a rule, members are not paid for their work in the association’s bodies. Only extraordinary achievements and sacrifices are recognized with an appropriate award.
Article 14
Sympathizers can also join the association. On the declaration of accession, they express their desire to be only sympathizers and not to join the association with the aim of participating in the implementation of the basic tasks of the association. Supporting member – a sympathizer of the association is a member who has paid the membership fee, but does not have voting rights in the association’s bodies.
Honorary members and sympathizers have the right to be informed about social activities and invited to social events.
Article 15
Membership in the association ends: with voluntary withdrawal, expulsion, death and deletion.
Article 16
A member withdraws from the association voluntarily when he submits a written statement of withdrawal to the association’s authorities.
Article 17
A member is expelled from the association if he grossly violates the statute and other social acts, if he knowingly acts against the interests and reputation of the association.
Expulsion of a member from the association is decided by the disciplinary committee with a decision in accordance with the disciplinary regulations. A member can appeal for exclusion to the general assembly, which is the second-level body.
A member is removed from the association if, despite a prior warning, he does not pay the membership fee for one year. A member is removed from the association on the basis of a decision of the executive committee.
Article 18
The bodies of the association are: the general meeting, the executive committee, the supervisory committee and the disciplinary committee.
Article 19
The general assembly is the highest body of the association and consists of all members.
Honorary members and sympathizers are also invited to the general meeting.
Article 20
The general meeting can be regular or extraordinary. The regular general meeting is convened by the executive committee once a year. An extraordinary general meeting is convened by decision of the executive board, at the request of the supervisory board, or at the request of one-fifth of the association’s members.
Article 21
The executive committee is obliged to convene an extraordinary general meeting within 30 days of receiving the signed request.
If the executive committee does not convene an extraordinary general meeting within the specified period, it shall be convened by the proposer. He also prepares the necessary material and a proposal for the agenda.
The Extraordinary General Assembly decides only on matters for which it was convened.
Article 22
The members of the association must be informed about the convening of the general meeting and the submitted agenda at least 7 (seven) days before the general meeting.
Article 23
The general assembly has a quorum if more than half of the members are present. If the general assembly does not have a quorum at the scheduled start, the start is postponed for 30 minutes, and later the general assembly validly passes resolutions if at least 10 members are present, and resolutions are adopted if more than half of those present have voted for them.
If the general assembly resolves to change the statutes or terminate the association’s operations, it is necessary that half of the association’s members attend the general assembly and at least two-thirds of the members present vote for it.
The general meeting is opened by the president of the association and he leads it until the working presidency, the recorder and two notifiers of the minutes are elected, and if necessary, the election commission, candidacy commission, verification commission and other working bodies.
Article 24
As a rule, voting is public, but members can decide on a secret voting method at the meeting itself.
Article 25
The tasks of the general assembly are: appoints the working bodies of the general assembly, adopts the association’s statute, adopts the rules of procedure on the work of the general assembly, adopts the program of the association’s work, adopts the rules and amendments to the rules on financial operations, adopts the financial plan and annual report, elects and dismisses the association’s bodies, decides on appeals against the decisions of the executive and supervisory board, the disciplinary commission and the expert board, decides on inclusion and cooperation with other related organizations and associations of societies and mergers with other societies, makes final decisions on the expulsion of a member from the society, decides on the purchase and sale of real estate, decides on honorary membership in the association, decides on all issues concerning the work and development of the association and decides on the termination of the association’s activities.
Minutes are kept of the work of the general meeting, which are signed by the chairman of the general meeting, the recorder and two notifiers of the minutes.
Article 26
The executive committee is the executive body of the general assembly, which performs organizational, administrative, administrative and professional technical work. Manages the work of the association between two general assemblies according to the program and resolutions adopted at the general assembly. He is responsible for his work to the general assembly.
Article 27
The executive committee has 5 members. It consists of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and a member.
The president of the executive board is also the president of the association.
Article 28
The term of office of the members of the executive committee is five years. Members may be re-elected several times in succession. The Executive Board adopts decisions by majority vote. Meetings of the executive board are public.
Article 29
The tasks of the executive board are:
- convenes the general meeting,
- takes care of the execution of the association’s work program,
- prepares proposals for social acts,
- establishes permanent and temporary social commissions and appoints their presidents,
- prepares a proposal for a financial plan and a final report,
- manages the assets of the association,
- prepares draft contracts,
- takes care of the material and financial operations and resources of the association,
- takes care of the implementation of the decisions of the general meeting,
- establishes sections,
- proposes the amount of the membership fee and the amount of contributions for individual purposes,
- performs other tasks for which he is authorized by the general assembly,
- keeps membership records encourages the exchange of experiences.
Article 30
The president of the association represents and represents the association in legal transactions in the country and abroad.
The president of the association is also the president of the executive committee.
The General Assembly elects him for a term of five years. He can be re-elected after the end of his term.
The president of the association is responsible for the operation of the association in accordance with the rules and legal order of the Republic of Slovenia. He is responsible for his work to the general assembly and the executive committee.
He signs financial and other documents.
During his absence, he is replaced by the vice-president of the association.
Article 31
The secretary of the association performs professional technical and administrative work of the association and takes care of coordination between the association’s bodies. The secretary of the association is also a member of the executive committee.
He is elected by the executive committee or the general assembly for a period of five years.
He is responsible for his work to the executive committee or the general assembly.
Article 32
The treasurer manages financial and material operations in accordance with the rules on financial and material operations, in which the association also determines the method of managing and displaying data on the financial and material operations of the association, which must be in accordance with accounting standards for the association.
Article 33
The supervisory board is the supervisory body of the association and monitors the work of the executive committee and other bodies of the association. He supervises the financial and material operations of the association and supervises the execution of the resolutions of the general assembly.
The Supervisory Board is responsible to the General Assembly, to which it also reports once a year.
The supervisory board consists of three members elected at the general assembly. The chairman of the committee is elected by the members from among themselves.
Article 34
The members of the supervisory board cannot be members of the executive board at the same time, but they have the right to participate in the meetings of the executive board, but without the right to make decisions at the meeting.
The Supervisory Board has a quorum if all members are present at the meeting. Decisions are made by a majority of all members (two members).
The term of office of members of the supervisory board is five years and they can be re-elected to this body.
Article 35
The tasks of the supervisory board are: supervises the implementation of the provisions of these rules, initiates the convening of an extraordinary general meeting, supervises the financial operations of the association and reviews financial documentation, supervises the implementation of the annual financial plan, supervises the management and management of the association’s funds, supervises the legality of decisions adopted by the association’s bodies, supervises implementation of other statutory provisions of state legislation, which are mandatory for the association, discusses irregularities in the association and takes appropriate action, and proposes to the general meeting the discharge of the association’s bodies.
Article 36
The Disciplinary Commission is the disciplinary body of the association. It consists of three members elected at the general meeting. The commission’s mandate lasts for five years. The members elect the chairman of the commission from among themselves.
The commission meets as necessary based on written requests from members of the association or social bodies.
The Disciplinary Commission conducts the disciplinary procedure and imposes measures in accordance with the disciplinary regulations.
Against the decision of the disciplinary commission, he has the right to appeal to the general assembly, as the second instance body in disciplinary matters.
Article 37
In order to perform tasks more successfully, the executive board may have permanent or temporary committees. The commission has three to five members, who are responsible for their work to the executive board. When the commission is appointed, the executive board determines its tasks and time of operation. The commission finishes its work no later than when the mandate of the executive committee that appointed it expires.
Article 38
The association acquires funds for its activities: through membership fees, gifts and votes, contributions from donors and sponsors, from material rights and activities of the association, from public funds and from other sources.
If the association generates an excess of income over expenses in the course of its activity, it must use it to carry out the activity for which it was established. Any division of the association’s assets among its members is null and void.
Article 39
The association disposes of financial resources in accordance with the program and annual financial plans adopted by the general meeting. At the regular general meeting, the members consider and adopt the final annual report every year.
The control over financial and material operations is carried out by the supervisory board. Control over the legality, purpose, economic and efficient use of public funds, which the association receives for the implementation of its activities, is carried out by the Court of Auditors.
Article 40
Financial and material documents are signed by the president. Financial and material operations must be in accordance with applicable regulations in this area.
The association must submit its annual report to the organization authorized to process and publish data by March 31 of the current year. The authorized organization handles data in accordance with accounting regulations.
Every member of the association has the right to inspect the financial and material documentation and operations of the association.
The association may employ a financial expert to assist in arranging financially material matters in accordance with applicable legislation.
Article 41
The association has movable and immovable property, which is the property of the association and is entered in the inventory book.
Movable property can be bought or sold only on the basis of a decision of the Executive Committee.
Immovable property can be bought or sold only on the basis of a resolution of the general assembly.
Article 42
Patrons, sponsors, patrons or donors of the association can be natural or legal persons who help the association materially or otherwise. They can participate in the meetings of the association, but they do not have the right to make decisions.
Article 43
The profit from engaging in gainful activity must be used for the implementation of activity programs in accordance with the seventh article.
Article 44
Disciplinary offenses caused by members are considered to be: violations of the provisions of this statute, negligent and reckless acceptance and execution of accepted duties and functions in the association, failure to comply with the decisions of the association’s bodies, and actions that damage the reputation of the association in any way.
Article 45
Misdemeanors in the first instance are decided by the disciplinary commission, which can impose the following measures against members of the association: reprimand, public reprimand and exclusion.
The second-level body is the general assembly.
The general assembly decides on the appeal against the measures of the disciplinary commission.
Article 46
For successful work, the association can award members of the association awards in the form of: commendations, badges or plaques, prizes, and propose various national or social awards.
Article 47
The association may be terminated by a decision of the general assembly with a two-thirds majority of the members of the general assembly, by merging with other associations, by joining another association, by bankruptcy or on the basis of a court decision prohibiting operation.
Article 48
In addition to the decision that the association ceases to operate, the resolution of the general meeting must also contain a provision that determines which related association according to its activity belongs to the association’s assets after all obligations have been settled. If there is no such association, the property is transferred to the local community.
Budget funds are returned to the budget.
The decision must be accompanied by a report on the disposal of the association’s funds, which shows the extent of the funds, the method of settlement of the association’s obligations, the amount of public funds and their return to the budget, and the transfer of the association’s assets to another association or local community.
Article 49
The competent authority publishes the decision on the termination of the association on the notice board of the authority. The announcement must state that creditors can notify the competent authority of their claims against the company within 30 days from the date of publication, otherwise the executive authority will issue a decision to delete the company from the register of companies.
In the event that the creditors notify the competent authority of their claims, the latter suspends the proceedings and orders the creditors to propose to the competent court within 30 days the initiation of proceedings in accordance with the regulations on liquidation and to submit proof thereof.
Article 50
According to the law itself, the association is terminated if its activities aim at the illegal demolition of the constitutional order, at the commission of criminal acts or incites national, racial, religious or other inequality, and incites national, racial, religious or drug hatred and intolerance, or incites violence or war .
Termination of the association according to the previous paragraph is determined by the competent authority with a decision.
Article 51
If the creditors notify the competent authority of their claims, but the latter has no information about the association having assets, they must submit to the competent authority within 30 days proof that they have proposed the initiation of the association’s liquidation procedure, otherwise the competent authority will issue a decision on the deletion of the association from the register of companies.
When the competent authority has information about the company’s assets, the liquidation procedure is not proposed by the creditors, but rather by the competent authority to the court.
Article 52
This statute enters into force when the competent authority determines that it is in accordance with the legislation and approves it.
All amendments to the basic act are adopted according to the same procedure as this statute was adopted.
Ruše, on August 1, 2019
Legal representative: Danilo Gorjup