On the sunny side of Europe


In the green heart of the silicon valley
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Our mission includes research, development and innovations.

In a context of the World congress Gnothi seauton we invest in an original accompanying program of boutique tourism for children and youth, which encompasses natural scientifical, mythical and castle heritage.

We present RRD finds, discoveries and findings through photographic and video production as a documentary and creative cultural movie dowry, which consists of:

  • Water sprite Jezernik – 400 million years old NFT enigma;
  • Brigand’s bride – raising NFT funds to build a palace;
  • Enchanted Pohorje Sleeping Beauty – chase for a hidden NFT treasure

We prepared special packages for you. In a child-friendly Unicef town of Ruše in the eastern Alps you can host your honorary VIP business partners for 3 days/2 nights. You can show them beauty/love/wisdom of 400 million years old elite world-class mountain torrent, which flows through the virgin forest which spreads in the water circle of infinite love/wisdom/light.

Discover cosmopolitan European customs NATURA 2020

Discover cosmopolitan European customs NATURA 2020 – back to nature, back to origin.
Visit 400 million years old mountain creek, which flows through the virgin forest of the amazing water circle Black lake–Black Sea.
Explore the teaching about wisdom Gnothi seauton. Get acquainted with the strategy of enlightenment, resurrection and awakening leadership competences.

You are invited to the country of stone, timber and water on the Pohorje mountainside. Feel organisational hospitality of the
child-friendly Unicef town of Ruše. Taste natural aromatherapies of forest, lake, river, town, meadow.
Enjoy local treats of master chefs. For dreamy wedding journey, adrenaline school excursion, active business or study break you can choose realistic forest escape NATURA 2020 – back to nature, back to origin. 
Duration: 3 hours to 3 days/2 nights.

Price: free of charge, because the experience/meeting is priceless.
Contribution: donation Natura 2020 for a clean planet and good purpose.

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Exploratory destination

Our exploratory destination/base NATURA 2020 is located by 400 million years old mountain creek Lobnica, which is known as the oldest watercourse in the world and has a unique character of the ecosystem Pohorje mountainside-Drava river-Kozjak mountainside. Namely, it flows through the primevally preserved virgin forest of mighty coniferous and deciduous trees.

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The exploration Gnothi Seauton

The exploration Gnothi seauton is a demanding, expensive, specific, consistent and exactly for these reasons an urgent personal research-developmental expert (RRD) experiment of harmonising biorhythm with your own nature/personality/diversity, what needs to be accompanied by efficient managing of biological clock

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What is manifestation/campaign for money with huge donations I LOVE NATURA 2020, we can watch only in movies, which show only things that we want to see, but not obvious facts. Students of the economy of ethics of virtue believe, that the teaching about wisdom Gnothi seauton (who, what we are) means the jackpot...

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Love at first sight

Love at first sight, for example in relation to money or partner, is important, but it is not everything, especially if we bet on wisdom (glory, praise, honour). The aphorism Gnothi seauton, written down at the entrance to Apolon's temple at the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece addresses/awakens/sets up individual's imagination....

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